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The SEO Importance of Heading Tags

Posted in SEO Importance of Heading Tags

John Mueller from Google has recently explained how to use H1, H2 and other HTML headings. In this explanation, he has shown how heading elements influence ranking. Background Back in the 2000s, headings like H1, H2, and H3 were an effective ranking factor. That time it was important for SEO experts to insert keywords on the heading elements for improving organic ranking. But now, keywords in headings don't play an important role, but still, many people take it as a common SEO practice. Now, most of the SEO experts insert keywords on their heading just out of habits. But while doing so, you also have to ensure that by adding keywords on your headings, you are making it useful to the users. If you are not making it useful, then there's no point of inserting keywords on headings

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