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November, 2019 | Localseo

The Game of Page Loading Speed-Google is Losing out the Race

Posted in SEO wordpress time series

Increasing the page speed loading has never been a new challenge for the publishers. Google is continuously carrying on throwing this challenge to them for more than a decade. However, even after helpful resources created by Google for the same, the over year statistics shows something different! Instead of improving the loading time of the web pages is decreasing significantly over the years. Different metrics are responsible for the page loading speed, and each of them has some effect on the various aspects of the loading speed. Their overall performance signifies the agility of the site. Naturally, it works as the prime determiner of the UX.  Time to Interactive- The Awkward Stability It's a metric that figures out the time that a web page takes to produce interactivity, that is

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Know Why Search Engine Giant Google is Not Against Conservative Websites

Posted in Search Engine Optimization,SEO

Some people believe that the Search Engine giant Google has been prejudiced against conservative websites, and it has been circulated in the news again and again. The controversy has peaked in the last few years. The claim for the biasness usually in progress with the President, but eventually, it made its way all the way to Congress. Google is also asked to appear in Congress again to answer the accusations related to the censorship of conservative websites. The session “Google and Censorship through Search Engines” will be led by Senator Ted Cruz. The ultimate theory behind the rumors is that Google has manually tweaked the overall search results to ensure that conventional news does not get maximum exposure equivalent to liberal media just to drive their left-leaning mem

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November 2019 Google Update – A Comprehensive Analysis

Posted in SEO November 2019 Google Update

Recently Google has introduced their latest updates. It is expected that the latest changes in algorithm will directly affect the search engine rankings and traffic of affiliate sites. So here comes the question, how owners can restore their search engine ranking. Well, in this post, we will talk about that. What to Fix Google has clearly mentioned the fact that fixing things won't help owners to recover their ranking. But many site owners haven't understood the fact yet that what Google is trying to say. Well, they are trying to say that the new changes have nothing to do with traditional SEO. They have done all the changes based on the technical SEO factors. Recently we have audited few websites and experienced significant drops in their ranking. When we researched to figure

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