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5 PPC Trends for 2020 – Shape Your Paid Search Marketing Efforts

5 PPC Trends for 2020 – Shape Your Paid Search Marketing Efforts

Posted on December 3, 2019 Posted in PPC

Predicting the future has never been an easy job. The job gets even harder when it comes to PPC. It’s a difficult job to always stay updated with the latest algorithm of Google, YouTube and Bing. Adopting the changes and learning new things are even harder. But in this post, we have made things easier for you. Here we will talk about the five upcoming PPC trends which will surely drive result in 2020 and boost the performance of your business.

5 PPC Trends for 2020

  1. Segmentation

At first, you have to focus on audience segmentation. You have to segment your visitors based on the following 3 parameters:

  • The URLs that they have visited on your website
  • The videos that they have watched on your website
  • The way they have interacted with your site

If you manage to identify how your visitors have interacted with your site, it will also help you increase or decrease bids to ensure that you are more or less prominent to your target customers.

After taking data of your customers, you have to categorise them into specific buckets. It will help you to improve your bidding strategies.

You can also identify which type of persons you should be spending your PPC budget and resources to grow your business. In order to do this, you have to ensure that you have an audience list in Google Ads. In the section below, we will take you through a guide and help you to create an audience list on your own.

Step 1: In the right corner of your Google Ads account, you will get the Tools & Settings icon. You have to click on that icon to go to the Shared Library column, and after that, you have to find and click the Audience manager option.

Create an audience list

Step 2: In the Audience manager section, you will get a blue circle that comes with a plus sign. You have to click on it to make a remarketing list.

Create an audience list 2

Step 3: After clicking on that icon, you will get a drop-down menu where you can create your list. The list includes options like Website visitors, YouTube users, App users etc.

Create an audience list 3

Step 4: In this step, you have to name your list and finalise it.

Create an audience list 4

After that, you have to select members from the list. Once you are done, you have to click on the Create Audience section.

Step 5: On the left side of your Google Ads account, you will get the Audiences option. After clicking on it, you will get a blue icon that contains a pencil inside. After clicking on it, you will get the screen where you can edit your audiences. After editing this section, you will get the following two options – targeting and observation. After clicking any of these options, you have to click the save button, and after that, you are all set to run your campaign.

  1. Voice Search

Comscore is a media company, and they have predicted that by the end of 2020, almost 50% of all searches will be voice searches. So, here comes the question, what does it mean for PPC?

Well, it means that the search term which is responsible for triggering ads to appear is also going to change. It will occur because people will interact with the search engine more conversationally through their voice-enabled devices such as their smartphone.

Meanwhile, it is also important to understand that we are still far away to see paid search within the voice, but still we have to be future-ready.

There a few things that you can do to make ads ready for voice search. So, first of all, you have to target more long-tail keywords that sound conversational.

Meanwhile, you also have to ensure that your landing pages are more conversational. It is important for both SEO and UX reasons.

  1. Automation & Account Management

If you think carefully, you will understand that automation has already started in the PPC industry. However, in 2020, it is going to be more important. By leveraging the power of automation, you will be able to identify your opportunities automatically within your PPC account. Automation will also help you to manage your PPC account in a hassle-free way. You can automate several processes, such as bid management.

  1. Visual Search

The best practice of search is becoming more visual. Now you can easily upload an image to the search engine and find all the relevant images and other results similar to the images that you have uploaded.

Back in 2015, Pinterest launched the first visual search tool. Now other social media sites like Instagram and Snapchat have also introduced this feature. Now their users can also search for posts by using images.

Last year Snapchat announced that they are partnering with Amazon which would allow Snapchat users to directly search products on Amazon by using the Snapchat camera.

Bing has also introduced its visual search engine. So overall it is fair to conclude that almost all the leading search engines and social media sites have launched their own visual search engine and it is expected that it will put significant impact the PPC market in the coming years.

So now you have to get ready for targeting those users who use the visual search features. To address this need, you have to be careful while optimising your images. It is always recommended to use the correct ALT text so that search engine can easily pick up your web page that contains the target image.

Meanwhile, you also have to ensure that you are using the best images for showcasing your products or services. We also recommend individuals to show multiple images on a site so that SERP gets a choice to index the best image.

  1. Integration of SEO with PPC

PPC and SEO walk hand in hand. If you don’t understand the logic behind it, it would never be possible for you to run a successful PPC ad campaign.

Both PPC and SEO have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. However, if you mix them wisely, then you will be able to maximise the result. So you should make an effort to integrate SEO and PPC through efficient position strategy, increasing the SERP coverage, keyword unearthing, and information & data sharing.

Here comes the question, how you will be able to do all these things together. Well, you can use PPC data to boost the SEO performance of your website. The PPC report of your website will help you to figure out the most profitable keywords for your business.

In addition to that, you should also consider comparing your SEO ranking data along with your PPC bidding to identify those keywords where you should pay. You should also consider using your PPC advertising along with your SEO organic listings to give your brand a prominent presence.


If you want to understand the true value of your PPC spends, you have to focus on the attribution. Meanwhile, you also have to use Google Analytics and other similar tools to measure the effects of your target keywords on the overall business.

Key Takeaways

In this section, we will discuss the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. The most common question that people generally ask is how B2B companies can leverage automated rules in Google ads.

Well, B2B companies are more lead focus than B2C companies. If you want to generate more leads, then you have to ensure that your users can easily interact with the website. In order to increase the interaction of your users with your website, you have to ensure that they click the CTA buttons, give you a call etc.

You can find all the metrics on your Google Analytics and import them to your Google Ads. It will help you with setting up automated bidding.

Most of the people also ask for tips so that they can use ALT text effectively on pictures. Well, you consider using the keyword of your target page as your ALT text. You can also write a sentence using your keywords for ALT text.

While making a sentence, you have to ensure that you are not using too many characters. You should use around 120-140 characters for crafting the ALT text of an image. Meanwhile, you also have to ensure that the ALT text of your image is a descriptive sentence. If it is not descriptive, then it will become difficult for the search engine to index your image.

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