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8 SEO Hacks that Every Business Owner Must Use

8 SEO Hacks that Every Business Owner Must Use

Posted on October 6, 2017 Posted in Uncategorized

Do you wish to have your business listed in the well-known local 3-pack of Google? If yes, make sure to depend on the available services of local search engine optimization (SEO). In addition to the competitive nature of the search results, the constant updates by Google make it even harder for the businesses to retain their position on the search engine result pages (SERPs) and stay visible for prolonged periods. Well, in such a situation, top-notch entrepreneurs could make certain improvements and that could, in turn, have a definite impact on their search ranks.

seo hack


In the following write-up, I have chalked down some easy hacks that business owners could try for boosting both their long and short-term SEO efforts.

SEO Hacks to Use Right Now

  • The foremost thing that professionals do in an SEO campaign is conducting a comprehensive keyword research. Well, one can easily turn to the Keyword Planner, a free tool offered by Google so that individuals could get an idea regarding generic and relevant keywords.

However, when Google eliminated its ‘location search filter’ in the year 2015, stimulating the search results especially from a different city has become quite complicated. Adding location to the keywords would no longer help for they would generate radically different results.

In order to resolve this issue, you can do the following things:

  1. Try incorporating the ‘near’ parameter to the URLs as that would draw maximum amounts of results especially if a consumer has performed the searches from near that specific location.
  2. With the ‘uule’ parameter, you can attach a canonical name of a location in an encoded form to the particular search.
  3. Choose a particular algorithm so that you can target all the given keywords through GPS coordinates. This stands to be a simple and most precise solution.

After jotting down all the necessary keywords, now you need to move on to create contents that can easily target those keywords, which have a low competition. Also, make sure to add HTML tags and anchor text.

  • A recent survey has effectually manifested that incorporating high-quality links would dramatically influence the search rankings of a website. Thus, we can fairly conclude that link building stands to be an integral part of search engine optimization.

However, fabricating and integrating organic links is sure to take much time. You need to have a collection of valuable contents that could lure influencers and it is only then that you can make the most of the link building opportunities. Try collaborating with reputed influencers and look for other strategies for maximizing brand exposure and building its credibility.

Some of the top-notch SEO experts have shared their experience and provided a few significant tactics that could help one to construct a beneficial survey of link building. Let us see where these renowned professionals have built links in:

  1. Yelp and all other kinds of directories- 80%
  2. Local business sites-77%
  3. Chambers of commerce- 70%
  4. Local Press- 83%

The best way by which one can procure quality backlinks and that too within short periods is by helping website owners so that they can detect as well as fix all the broken links that might be present in contents. According to a recent survey, about 43% SEO consultants have admitted that broken link building is one of the simplest methods to get proper links.

  • Conducting a thorough research and analyzing each move of your competitor is of absolute importance if you wish to stay ahead of the curve. This entire process is the best way by which you can find the exact domains to which your rival business has linked to. Well, in such a case, it is viable to use a tracking tool, in order to catch hold of those link building opportunities that you must not have paid attention to in the first place.
  1. Identify the sites that link the most to your competitor’s website.
  2. Try finding out the domain authority of every single site. Well, you can use a competitor analysis tool for help.
  3. Note down those domains that are most relevant and influential.
  4. Indulge in link outreach for domains provided in your list.
  • Make sure to maintain a consistent NAP (name, address and phone number) on every website. You need to use a proper rank tracking software for monitoring the citations and in case you do find any sort of discrepancy, contact the site owners immediately so that the mistake could be amended. It is after on-page factors that NAP stands important for localized organic ranks and local pack ranks.
  • Optimizing the GMB or Google My Business page can surely a positive effect on search rankings. If you have no idea about enhancing GMBs, do take a look at the below-mentioned points:
  1. Claim the listing.
  2. Verify the account.
  3. See if the business details are updated. Some of the common mistakes that business websites may suffer from are mention of incorrect opening hours and category listings.
  4. Link the website.
  5. Upload standard business images.

Once the GMB page is completely set up, make sure to win increasing number of customer reviews and build proper citations.

  • Social proof is one of the most powerful contents that you can catch hold of. Testimonials, case studies, and reviews are some strong ranking signals that determine if a customer would hire you or your competitors. Acquiring approval of customers may be a tad bit challenging. Mentioned below are few ways by which one can encourage an increasing number of reviews.
  1. Your customers would also wish to build links so provide them with such opportunities. This would lure huge traffic and that too within a stipulated period.
  2. Handing out leaflets or printing QR codes on the receipts and business cards would actually encourage the consumers to leave their valuable opinions.
  3. he simplest method would be asking each customer for review through varied social media platforms for building a proper social reputation.
  • Use structured data markup so that your business could appear on the ‘local knowledge graph panel’ that is located on the right-hand side of the search engine result pages. The markup also provides visitors with a proper snippet that would provide information on NAP and reviews.

However, you are required to use different markups for different platforms. For example, you can use Schema for Google and Open Graph for social media outlets like Facebook, Google+, etc. There is software that is readily available and would let you manage all markups without any hassle.

  • While almost all the reputed business organizations concentrate on measuring metrics like viewers and CTR, very few of the entrepreneurs are able to realize that search ranks could also improve if one checks their videos and images. Optimizing images by condensing them and preserving their quality along with enhancing videos by adding appropriate thumbnails would allow your site to be crawled easily.

The aforementioned tips could be extremely beneficial for those, who wish to provide their SEO campaign with the maximum boost. One must start small and highlight the SEO efforts so that they high ranks could be assured.


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