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Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller Tells How to Rank Your Inner Pages

Posted in Link Building,local search engine marketing,Search Engine Optimization google webmaster

Recently, at the Webmaster Hangout, the webmaster trends analyst, John Mueller provide the tips about how to fix your Home Page ranking for the keyword phrase when your inner page is the main priority. On The Signals That Indicate Your Webpage Requires Ranking Over Home Page- John Mueller said that- “You said Google’s algorithm doesn’t automatically favor the homepage ranking above other pages. What should we do to let Google know that a blog post for example should be ranking for a certain page term rather than the home page. If we have a small website, how do we present clear signals to show Google that this blog post is the better page for certain search terms even though the home page probably has most internal links pointing to it?” It is the issue when the Home

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Know About The Seven Vital Tactics to Reduce Bounce Rates

Posted in Link Building,Local Search,local search engine marketing,Local SEO,Search Engine Optimization,SEO Seven Vital Tactics to Reduce Bounce Rates

Bounce rate is considered to be one of the most important metrics through which digital marketing efforts along with the general user experience offered by a site are successfully evaluated. It could be loosely defined as the percentage of individuals who pay visit to a website and navigate away without making any sort of purchase. Modern-day entrepreneurs always try to alleviate bounce rates but not knowing the necessary techniques certainly put all their efforts into vain. Well, in the following write-up, I have jotted down a few tried tips that can prevent bounce rates from escalating and effectually improve the amounts of traffic as well as sales. Readers are requested to buy some time and take a close look at the below-mentioned pointers. Loading Time According to a top-n

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